
What is chiropractic?

Chiropractic is a quite recent (originated in the United States in 1895) but firmly scientifically substantiated health care branch. It’s a discipline that specialises in the proper functioning of the locomotor system and subsequently the central nervous system.

Functioning of the central nervous system

The central nervous system comprises the brain and the spinal cord. The latter is in direct contact with the peripheral nerves, which compile information from, among others, our limbs. The central nervous system continuously takes up information from the nose and taste via the taste buds. The nervous system not only takes up information from outside, but also from what is happening inside our body. It, for instance, enables you to know exactly in which position your arm is, regardless of whether you make the arm movement with your eyes open or closed.

Proprioception feeds the brain

An important aspect of the information our brain picks up via our body is called proprioception. This term is used for the neurological information our joints send to the brain. This information is a very important nutrient for our central nervous system. This explains, among other things, why we get a pleasant feeling after exercising. Studies have indicated that 80% of this neurological input originates from the spinal column.

'The quality of your output depends on the quality of your input.'

It’s impossible to create a better neurological output (mobility, balance, strength, agility) without focusing on taking care of the optimum input. Herein lies the significant aspect of a chiropractor in your life. The task of a chiropractor is to ensure that the nervous system functions optimally. He does this by tracing incorrect information inside or outside your body and subsequently solving this.

Procedure of the chiropractor

The chiropractor stimulates the body in a very detailed manner, in such a way that the neurological information inside the body is optimal. He uses a range of techniques for this, from manipulations (very quick, painless performance) to very soft techniques, depending on the type of patient.

The chiropractor also gives advice about lifestyle, which results in the information taken up from the outside our body also being optimum. A properly functioning nervous system

improves our ability to resist external stress factors. A stress factor can occur on a structural level (e.g. fall, car accident, poor ergonomics at work), on an emotional level (e.g. a death, separation or problems at work) or on a metabolic level (e.g. wrong diet, alcohol, tobacco, lack of water).

'Each body cell is in direct contact with our nervous system, which is why it’s important to stimulate it correctly.'

As you may notice, chiropractic is not based on a complaint, but on the optimum functioning of our body. Our philosophy is not to put the symptoms of our patients on ‘mute’, but to take on the cause and subsequently activate the healing capacity of the body.

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